Hello, how can we help you?

We hope to answer any questions you have concerning our services. If there is any additional information you would like to learn more about, please feel free to contact us.

Permanent Hair Removal

Not everyone is a good candidate for laser and consequently, electrolysis becomes the only viable option. In other cases, it can be the exact opposite, and at times it is not uncommon that we’d recommend both laser and electrolysis simultaneously. Based on a complimentary consultation with us, we can quickly determine which route will yield maximum results for your specific needs.

Women and men with large surface areas of dark unwanted hair growth are ideal candidates for laser hair removal. Electrolysis can be tedious and labor intensive when it comes to full legs, or backs etc. Laser is quick, effective, and a little easier on the budget in the long run.

There are several reasons you may have had less than satisfactory results in the past. Come in for a complimentary consultation and let’s talk, the problem may not have been you. Ultimately, if we can’t help, we can at least figure out what went wrong for you.

If you’ve not been cleared for laser, you are a good candidate for electrolysis. If you have blond, grey, or otherwise de-pigmented hair growth, electrolysis is your only option. People who have smaller areas of growth or specific hairs that require treatment, electrolysis is most precise in treating those pesky hairs. Men and women who are looking for detailed hair removal work on the hair line, neckline, or men who seek on point beard grooming; electrolysis is the best answer.

A Laser hair removal session can range between 15-60min. An Electrolysis session can range between 15-120min. The length of time it takes to treat unwanted hair is dependent on the size of the surface area it covers.

Due to the amount of heat that is infused in the skin, the treated area will get a little red and bumpy. This dissipates within 20min. or could last for up to 48 hours. Everyone is different, but the more you treat, the more your skin acclimates to the heat and the quicker it bounces back. Dry cold compresses on the treated area help tremendously.

Yes. The hair follicle is resilient, and in some cases, stubborn. We are trying to diminish a naturally occurring bodily process, and there will be some push back. With time, consistency, and patience, the follicle’s ability to reconstruct itself gradually diminishes and eventually it is rendered incapable of sustaining another hair. We win!

Laser has never been tested during pregnancy, and so we choose to refrain from treating during pregnancy. If you started laser hair removal and got pregnant before you were cleared of unwanted hair, we would stop and start back up again once the baby is born. Electrolysis, however, is not interrupted by pregnancy and can commence throughout, we just keep from giving you a metal rod in your hand while we are administering the electric current.

Laser sessions build on one another, meaning a full series must be completed and on time for the treatment to be complete. Most cases are cleared within 6-8 sessions, and some areas of treatment could require more. The sessions are spaced out every 4 weeks for facial hair removal, and every 6 weeks for body work. The idea is to catch the regrowth in its active stage, even if the follicle is not visibly productive.

With electrolysis, we follow the regrowth pattern. Ideally, we would be zapping those follicles daily, but our only clue to where we need to direct our destructive energy is the actual hair. Initially the regrowth happens every 2 weeks and that’s when we’d ask you to schedule your sessions. Over time, that regrowth rate lessens, and your treatment frequency is gradually reduced, and so is your treatment time. Eventually you will stop seeing that regrowth and you will be coming in for electrolysis every few months until you realize that you are free and clear. Win!

You can trim, cut, or shave. In fact, we strongly encourage you to. We just ask that you refrain from shaving 24-48 hours before your scheduled electrolysis appointment; this way we can better identify the follicles in need of treatment. When it comes to laser, however, please be sure to thoroughly shave the area of treatment the day you are scheduled for your laser session. The less visible the hair is, the more effective the laser treatment will be. If you are not smooth in the area of treatment for Laser, we would have to dry shave you in-clinic when you come in and that just doesn’t feel too good.

Electrolysis is not affected by pigment in the skin. However, tanning does cause dehydration and that could make for a slightly less effective electrolysis treatment. If you are tan in the area, we can still treat. Laser, on the other hand is attracted to pigment, and we want that to be more in the hair and not in the surrounding skin. If you are tan, we would have to switch from the Alexandrite laser to the YAG Laser to continue to destroy the hair follicle and not the skin around it.

Absolutely you can. Just know that in this case the laser will never work. This leaves electrolysis as the only option for you, and a great one at that.

Although every person is different, we routinely recommend starting permanent hair removal as soon as possible. Come in for a complimentary consultation and we will be happy to explore your options with you and help point you in the right direction.

Electrolysis is a great option because it is extremely precise and permanent. Besides, we are professional eyebrow designers and we can help you figure out the shape that best fit your features. Eyebrows frame the face and they are very important to us here at BAHIA.

It is the only permanent solution. Electrolysis is a master at precision work and outline detailing.

Both men and women are interested in smooth, hair free skin on their torsos, backs, buttocks, arms, necks, faces, shoulders, and legs. It is not uncommon for women to experience coarse growths around the nipple area or toes. Simply put, any area of unwanted hair-growth on the head or body is treatable.

Legally speaking, you must be 18 years or older. In some cases, people who are under-age prove to be good candidates for the treatment; and we can proceed with written consent from a parent or guardian.

Most unwanted hair growth is hormonally induced. When this is the case, the permanent hair removal journey becomes a tad complex. PCOS hair growth is treatable, but due to the many moving parts associated with it, it is hard to predict with any accuracy the length of treatment time and every case is different. Come in for a complimentary consultation and let’s chat, we are upfront about any limitations we see and the decision is yours moving forward.

No. If the hairs you wish to treat are light in color, laser will have zero effect on them. In this case, electrolysis is the best way to go.

Most red hairs are not treatable with laser (please see blond hair above) However, sometimes the red hair stems from a dark bulb and in that case, laser can still be a viable option. Come and talk to us and we can see.

*Please read all information carefully.
Pre-treatment Instructions:
  • AVOID the sun 4-6 weeks before and after treatment. Pigmented cells in your skin compete with melanin in your hair.
  • Your technician may ask you to stop any topical medications or skin care products 3-5 days prior to treatment.
  • You must avoid bleaching, plucking or waxing hair for 4-6 weeks prior to treatment. The melanin-containing hair must be present in the follicle as it is the “target” for the laser.
  • Recently tanned skin cannot be treated! If treated within 2 weeks of active tanning (natural sunlight or tanning booth),
  •   you may develop hyper-pigmentation & white spots after treatment and this may not clear for 2-3 months or more.
  • The use of self-tanning skin products must be discontinued one week before treatment. Any residual self-tanner should be removed prior to treatment.
Intra-treatment Care:
  • The skin is cleaned and shaved prior to treatment. The use of a topical anesthetic is not necessary.
  • When treating the upper lip, the teeth may be protected by moist white gauze. The gauze also serves to support the lip during treatment, allowing a surface to push against.
  • The DCD (cryogen cooling device) will be used with the laser to cool the skin during treatment.
  • Safety considerations are important during the laser procedure. Protective eye-wear will be worn by the client & all personnel in the treatment room during the procedure to reduce the chance of damage to the eye.
Post-treatment Care:
  • Immediately after treatment, there should be Erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) of each follicle in the treatment site,    which may last up to 2 hours or longer. The Erythema may last up to 2-3 days; this is normal. The treated area may feel like a sunburn for a few hours after treatment.
  • AVOID sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker pigmentation).
  • Use a sunblock (SPF 30) at all times throughout the course of the treatment.
  • Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. Do not use any other hair removal products of similar treatments (waxing, electrolysis or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle in the treatment area for 4-6 weeks after the laser treatment is performed.
  • Shaving may be used in between laser treatment appointments.
  • Anywhere from 5-14 days after the treatment, shedding of the treated hair may occur and this appears as new hair growth. This is NOT new hair growth. You can clean and remove the hair by washing or wiping the area with a wet cloth/loofah sponge.
  • After the axillae (underarms) are treated, you may wish to use powder instead of a deodorant for 24 hours after the treatment to reduce skin irritation.
  • There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, as if you had a sunburn, for the first 24 hours.
  • Call your technician at 614-259-3848 with any questions or concerns you may have.
Laser Medical Skin Procedures

This is a type of skin resurfacing treatment performed by a physician trained on the various laser energy modalities. The aim is to improve skin texture and appearance by passing a laser beam over the face, neck and body. Depending on individual needs, the physician may recommend a stand-alone treatment or a series of them when trying to tackle rosacea, spider veins, acne scarring, or skin discoloration.

You might consider consulting with the doctor to see if you are a good candidate for the following concerns: age spots, scars, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging skin, uneven skin tone, enlarged oil glands, skin tags, warts, and spider veins and more.

Your natural skin tone will determine whether this is the best type of procedure for you. People with lighter skin tones are often good candidates because they carry reduced risk of hyperpigmentation.

Although this procedure is highly effective at treating acne scarring, if the breakouts are still active, you may have to wait until that is under control before embarking on re-evening your skin texture with this procedure.

Your overall cost will depend on the area of treatment as well as how many sessions you will need to achieve your desired results. This is determined during your consultation with the physician. The consultation cost is $100, this is non-refundable and expected upon scheduling. If you find that you are a good candidate and wish to move forward, the consultation fee is applied to your completed treatment.

Although Medical Laser Skin Treatments are administered by a physician, they are considered cosmetic procedures and are not covered by medical insurance. We do offer financing plans through 3rd party lenders, please visit our website for more details.

Medical Laser Skin Treatments target the outer layer of your skin while simultaneously heating the lower layers in the dermis. This will promote your skin’s natural healing processes and promote collagen and elastin repair. Ideally, renewed collagen and elastin fibers will produce new skin tissue that is smoother in texture and firmer to the touch.

A thorough one-on-one consultation with the physician would have revealed your most effective treatment plan and have covered your risks and benefits. On the day of your procedure, your skin will be cleansed, and pre-procedural photos will be taken of the treatment site. A specially formulated topical numbing cream will then be applied to the treatment area (at no additional cost to you) and left to activate for a few minutes. This helps increase your comfort and your skin’s level of tolerance during the laser procedure as well as decreases the risk of side effects. After the treatment is completed, post-procedural photos will be taken. Leave on ointments are applied to aid in skin healing and in protecting against the elements. You will finally be given a list of post-procedural points to follow and, based on the procedure you’ve completed, you may be provided with a healing kit to purchase and take home with you.

Non-ablative lasers do not pose great risk for side effects, they are not unlike any other cosmetic procedures. Some side effects could include burning, bumps, rash, swelling, infection, hyperpigmentation, scars, and redness. By following your doctor’s pre-care and post-care instructions, you may reduce your risk of these types of complications. Depending on your medical history, you may be prescribed a precautionary anti-inflammatory or antiviral medication. Make sure you reveal all medication that you take during the medical consultation as some medication increases those risks ex. Accutane could increase the risk of scarring and antibiotics could increase the risk of hyper-pigmentation.

Your skin may be sensitive for up to one year following each laser rejuvenation procedure. Wearing sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 can help reduce your risk of sun damage. You should apply sunscreen every morning (even when it is cloudy) to protect your new skin. You may need to adjust your daily skin care routine immediately after your procedure ex. instead of cleansing twice daily you may need to use special cleansers and moisturizers 3-5 times a day. Your doctor will discuss all that with you.

Individual results vary based on the extent of the initial concerns being treated. You can expect your results to last for several years but they are not permanent, and you may need to repeat the procedure at some point.

Discreet pigmented lesions, whether freckles, lentigines, sun or age spots require individualized treatment options. The laser wavelength, intensity, and spot size must be uniquely customized by the physician to address each individual concern and skin type. The treatment will leave a small scab on the skin’s surface as pigment removal is underway. The settings of the laser and the treatment protocol are calibrated to achieve good cosmetic results while avoiding skin discoloration.

Cosmetic Injections

BOTOX® Cosmetic is the gold-standard FDA-approved prescription product used to improve the appearance of facial aging lines in adult men and women.

A number of factors cause wrinkles, including cellular changes, collagen depletion, and damage caused by sun and free radicals. Also, the routine contraction of facial muscles when concentrating, frowning, or squinting can cause your skin to fold and furrow.

BOTOX is injected just beneath the skin’s surface, targeting muscle activity that causes the overlying wrinkle. When the muscle relaxes over time, the skin lines consequently soften and fade. The safety and efficacy of BOTOX has been proven over more than fifty years, beginning with children treated for cervical dystonia, or neck spasms.


  • Cervical dystonia (neck spasms)
  • Lazy eye
  • Muscle contractures
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • Tension and migraine headaches
  • Bladder dysfunction

The effects of BOTOX have long been studied and championed by medical specialists ranging from plastic surgeons, dermatologists and otolaryngologists to neurologists, urologists and gastroenterologists. As with any product or procedure, however, it’s not for everyone. The best candidates for cosmetic treatment are physically healthy, without neuromuscular diseases, not pregnant or nursing, and are at least 18 years of age.


  • Existing weakness in the targeted muscle
  • Ptosis (drooping eyelids)
  • Deep facial scars
  • Very thick facial skin
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Skin rashes, skin disorders or infections near the affected area

You should inform your injector of any medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are taking prior to treatment. Make sure to discuss any questions or concerns, as well as your expectations with us during your consultation to alleviate confusion or dissatisfaction.

Your consultation with your aesthetic expert is an opportunity to review your medical history and discuss your desired outcomes. Once you have communicated your vision, your injector will personally help you create a proactive plan. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have at this point, and some patients even create lists in advance so they don’t forget their questions at the last moment!

Your injector will explain how BOTOX® works, warn of possible side effects, ask whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and show you the method he will use to achieve your goals.

Following your consultation, you may opt for treatment on the same day if that is most convenient, or schedule for another date.

Information and realistic expectations help to ensure a successful outcome. Once you have decided to move forward with your BOTOX® appointment, some questions to ask your injector may include:

  • Am I too old or too young for Botox?
  • What are the steps of the Botox procedure?
  • Does it hurt?
  • What can I expect after Botox treatment?
  • When will I start to notice results?
  • Will my friends and family see a big difference?
  • How long does it last?
  • What are my risks?

Complications following BOTOX® injections are rare but possible. The most common side effect is swelling or bruising at the injection site. Others include minor headache, flu-like symptoms, mild eyelid drooping or asymmetry.

Contact our office immediately if you notice any unpleasant signs or symptoms after your BOTOX® treatment, as you may be a candidate for touch-up or closer observation.

The use of BOTOX® is prohibited for patients who are pregnant or breast-feeding, because the risks are unknown.

Temporary Hair Removal (Waxing & Threading)

Both waxing and threading yield the same results when it comes to pulling unwanted hair at the root level. They are both quick and efficient ways to achieve smooth skin, however, threading sometimes proves to be the better option if the skin is sun or wind burnt or otherwise severely irritable.

Yes, these are temporary means of hair removal and the hair grows back within 3-6 weeks.

There is no minimum age for temporary hair removal. Typically, we advise to wait until after puberty as hair growth patterns could change, but our youngest client is 9 years old with parental or guardian consent.

Some hairs start to resurface within a couple of weeks post treatment, but we ask that you wait for the full growth to come back (approximately 4-6 weeks) so that all the hairs can be removed at once and you can enjoy longer periods of hair free skin.

No. For the threading or waxing to pick up on the hairs, they cannot be too short. Consequently, if the hairs are too long, the treatment could be a little more uncomfortable. Ideally, we ask that the hairs are approximately ¼” in length or, if you shave, 1-2 weeks of growth.

Yes you can shave in between sessions. For some people however, switching between waxing and shaving could confuse the growth pattern and encourage ingrown hairs especially in sensitive areas.

Yes. Waxing and threading are less abrasive on the skin than frequent shaving, and because of the infrequency of treatment, the skin has ample time to heal before the new growth is ready to come through.

Yes, but it is important to keep from direct sun exposure and salt water on the freshly treated area until the skin calms down. Wearing protective clothing could help.

Both men and women are interested in smooth, hair free skin on their torsos, backs, arms, necks, faces, shoulders, and legs. The only areas we choose not offer temporary hair removal for are the male groin and buttocks, but we are happy to refer to other reputable establishments who do so.

Bikini waxing has been around for some time, but Brazilian waxing has recently started growing in popularity in the United States. A bikini wax aims at ridding the skin of hairs that would otherwise be visible when wearing a bikini bottom. Brazilian waxing aims at removing all hair in the groin and anal areas leaving the skin “bald”. Some clients ask that a “stip” of hair growth is left unwaxed when getting a Brazilian wax, so we remove as little or as much as is requested.

Absolutely, we have many male clients looking to waxing as a means to achieve smooth shirtless skin. The only areas we choose not to wax on a man are the groin and buttocks.

Brow & Lash Treatments

Because we have a passion for eyebrow shaping. We don’t just “clean up” your eyebrows, we design them to frame your entire face. You only have to try us once to see the difference.

You can start looking at them from day to day and tweeze what looks short and stubby.

Everyone is slightly different, but generally you can schedule your brow treatments 4-6 weeks apart.

Sometimes the “true brow” could be compromised from years of excessive treatment. This can sometimes be reversed if the brows are designed and time elapses for the hair to grow back. If the follicles are still active, we can achieve the desired shape with waxing and/or threading. If not, then we can discuss more permanent brow treatments, see Microblading or Permanent Makeup (PMU).

Hair dye could work, but eyebrow hair is more delicate than head hair and chemical formulations could be too harsh. There are specific brow and lash dyes that are much safer and more effective.

Yes, eyelash tinting could enhance darker lashes and create a more lush look to poorly defined eyelashes.

If you are scheduled for a lash tint, we ask that you take your contact lenses out. This is because we use saline solution to rinse the eyes when removing the tint. Once the area is cleared, you may put your lenses back in.

Permanent Make Up (PMU)

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique that employs pigmentation of the epidermis using either a digital or manual technique to produce designs to enhance your facial features or replicate makeup. Treatments can be applied to eyebrows, eyes and lips. Most clients who gravitate towards this procedure are those who are: interested in looking better, allergic to cosmetics, active in sports, have health conditions and/or are interested in saving time. PMU should only be used to cover those basic needs, anything more intense can be additionally applied with makeup for special occasions. With time, the permanent makeup will begin to fade and a color boost is required to make it look refreshed. In the past couple years, PMU has become a very common & trending procedure that clients are gravitating towards to enhance their look. The results can vary between soft, natural & subtle to a little more exaggerated, bold & beautiful.

Permanent makeup can be applied to eyebrows, eyes & lips. Interest in this service spans the young to the more mature. Also those who desire a soft, natural enhancement to their appearance or are interested in a more bold, dramatic look. It is especially valuable to people who can’t wear traditional cosmetics due to allergies and skin sensitivities, the vision challenged who have difficulty applying their cosmetics, others with dexterity related conditions, active people who want to look their best for sports activities, and all who wish to save time by eliminating the inconvenience of applying and refreshing their cosmetics throughout the day and evening.

The level of discomfort is relative. We use topical anesthetics throughout the procedure to maximize client comfort. Most clients express that the procedure is well tolerated and experience no issues.

Unlike a body tattoo that sits deeper in the skin, PMU is more superficial and its life span varies. Permanent makeup can last anywhere between 3-5 years, depending on many factors. Skin type (normal/oily/dry), chronological age, level of exposure to elements and skin care regimen affect the duration of the pigments. Regardless of all factors mentioned,  daily sun protection of treated area is paramount to prolong the integrity of the pigment.

Microblading is a relatively new manual method for enhancing eyebrows. It is done using a manual technique with a handheld tool of very fine needle grouping to deposit pigment into the epidermis. Because the color is closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. The needle grouping glides with gentle pressure over the skin and causes fine cuts, as fine as a paper cut, leaving a trace that can hardly be distinguished from real hair. The brow design and shape is determined by your facial proportions to create a look the is perfected to your individual style. Microbladed eyebrows look very natural and absolutely do not appear as a tattoo.

Microblading is ideal for anyone, females/male, wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows, experience lack of density throughout parts/the whole brow or are interested in creating a more defined shape to them. This is the most natural type of brow procedure that is offered and the results are very realistic, regardless of the amount of the hair you currently have. If you have a minimalistic approach to grooming, Microblading is right for you.

In most cases, Microblading may be combined with shading to create a fuller effect. The shading can vary from natural to dramatic, depending on the desired end result. During your consultation we work together to determine options that are specific to you.

People with excessive oily skin are not good candidates for Microblading. Oilier skins have poor pigment retention when applied manually. In this case, digital PMU application is the best option and we have several styles to choose from (ie: Combo/Ombré Brows)

Of course they can! This option is becoming popular with men who, like women, can experience lack of density throughout the whole or part of their brows and are unhappy with their overall appearance. Men are turning to Microblading due to its ‘non-makeup’, undetectable & realistic results that still maintains their masculine features.

Generally Microblading lasts twelve to eighteen months, depending on skin type (normal, oily, or dry and age…young or mature). It is not permanent like a tattoo, because the pigments are not implanted so deeply into the skin. Skincare also affects the duration of the pigments. To maintain the brows, a color refresh my be done when fading occurs.

All PMU procedures are done in two sessions. In the first session, the brow/eyeliner/lips are shaped and styled to the client’s preference and pigment is applied (approximately 2-3 hours). 6-8 Weeks later the skin is healed and the client returns for the second session referred to as a touch-up (approximately 1.5-2 hours). Not everyone will have the same color retention and this is why a touch up is important. During this appointment any slight refinements to the shape, color or size can be made and perfected to the clients’ desire & need. We want to make sure they look great!

All PMU procedures takes approximatley 6-8 weeks for complete healing. Scabbing is an expected sign of skin healing. The color will lighten over about 30 days as it completely sets in. It is normal and expected for eyebrows & eyeliner to heal 20-30% lighter while lips heal 60-70% lighter.

Yes, it is mandatory to have a consultation with the specialist prior to scheduling any PMU service. The consultation is complimentary and is approximately 15-20 minutes. During this time, the specialist can answer all your questions, discuss your needs & options, share before/after photos and perform a quick Patch Test. This test is to ensure you are not allergic to the pigment and/or numbing cream and must be done at least 24 hours prior to PMU procedure.

New clients interested in color boost/cover-up for work done by another technician, will need to come in for a consultation to discuss possibility of procedure & cost. The consultation is complimentary and is approximately 15-20 minutes. During this time, the specialist can assess the situation and decide whether or not they can achieve a good outcome for you, as some cases are simply not treatable. In that case, we often refer to tattoo removal to lighten the existing PMU before we can achieve the desired result.

Upon determination that you’re treatable, a Patch Test is performed to ensure you are not allergic to the pigment and/or numbing cream at BAHIA and this must be done at least 24 hours prior to PMU procedure.

Touch up is necessary because a single treatment is not a complete treatment. Pigment retention varies from one person to another yielding different outcomes. It is not uncommon to have visible imperfections to the recently treated area, that is what the second procedure is for. Sometimes it is necessary to make slight adjustments to the shape, color and/or size and final adjustments are made to insure the client’s satisfaction.

  • Anyone with a heart condition or is using heart medications.
  • Anyone who is on blood thinners.
  • Anyone with skin diseases or active inflammations in the area to be treated.
  • Anyone who had Botox within 2 weeks of the procedure.
  • Anyone who has had a chemical peel, laser resurfacing or used Accutane within 2 weeks of the procedure.
  • Anyone who is allergic to lidocaine, tetracaine or epinephrine.
  • Anyone pregnant or nursing.
  • A tendency to keloid scarring.
  • Herpes Simplex around the lips, if not managed prior to Lip PMU.
  • Anyone on blood thinning medications.
  • Anyone with serious medical conditions.
  • Anyone with a history of Epileptic seizures.
  • Anyone under 18 years of age, without witnessed written parental, guardian or custodian consent. The individual must appear in person at the business before scheduling the procedure for the minor and sign a document that provides informed consent.
  • Diabetics will need a physician’s approval.
  • Skin that is sunburnt or deeply tanned could affect pigment outcome.
  • Diluents should not be taken within 24 hours of procedure (ie: alcohol, Vitamin E/fish oil and Aspirin)
  • We ask that you do not drink caffeinated, energy and/or high sugar beverages the morning/day of your appointment (or at least 3 hours prior to your scheduled procedure).
  • For eyeliner procedure, contact lenses must be taken out (can not be worn for 48 Hrs after procedure)
  • Herpes Simplex that is adequately medicated.


  • If you are planning a chemical peel or any other medical procedure, please inform the therapist of the procedure you have  had. Procedure should only be done once the healing process is complete.
  • If you are planning to have laser treatments, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area (laser may cause pigment to turn black)
  • If you are due to or are having an MRI scan, please inform your doctor about the PMU procedure you had done.
  • Anyone under 18 years of age must have a witnessed written parental, guardian or custodian consent. The individual must appear in person at the business before scheduling the procedure for the minor and sign a document that provides informed consent.
  • For 1 year after procedure completion, you may NOT give blood as recommended by American Red Cross (this requirement is related to concerns about hepatitis).

Pre-Procedure Instructions

  • ANY eyebrow tinting should be done no sooner than 48 hours before the procedure or 2 weeks after the procedure (this applies to touch up appointment as well)
  • DO NOT clean your brows (pluck/wax/thread) at least one week before your scheduled procedure. If you decide to, please know it should be done at least 48 hours prior to this procedure. If you treat your eyebrows with electrolysis, please make sure it is completed no less than 5 days before your scheduled appointment. DO NOT resume any method of hair removal on your brows for at least 2 weeks after procedure (this applies to touch up appointment as well).
  • If you have had Botox, you may NOT have brow work done. Depending on the frequency of your injections, plan your PMU appointment closer to the wearing off of your Botox. We recommend you schedule your Botox after PMU and not before.
  • DO NOT take Niacin, Aspirin, Ibuprofen or any medication that is a blood thinner on the day of your procedure (bleeding during procedure will yield less than desirable results).
  • LIMIT drinking any coffee, energy drink or any other caffeinated/sugary beverages that could cause you to be jittery the day of your procedure (at least 2-3 Hours prior to your appointment).

Post-Procedure Instructions

*Please follow these instructions for 2 weeks after the procedure to improve & prolong the results of your Eyebrows PMU.

  • Expect slight swelling, thickness and/or redness for 1-2 days following the procedure.
  • Aftercare: apply a very small amount of healing balm provided 3x/day for 2 weeks (do not over apply).
  • Before applying a new layer of ointment to the area, always remove any residue from the previous ointment application. You may do so by lightly patting the brows with a soft dry tissue and then re-apply your fresh layer of ointment.
  • Avoid makeup on the treated area during the healing process.
  • Avoid excessive sweating during the healing process. Anything that creates heat in/around the treated area could compromise pigment retention (No hot yoga, tanning beds, saunas, swimming pools or hot showers/baths)
  • Do not rub area vigorously when washing your face/showering during the healing process. Always pat lightly when drying.
  • Do not sleep on your belly during the healing process.
  • Do not pick at the forming scabs. If any itching occurs, just place a very tiny amount of aftercare to a Q-tip & apply to irritated area only (do not over apply ointment)
  • After about 1-2 weeks, your brows will look like they disappeared, don’t panic, this is part of the skin’s healing process. Hang in there, wait a couple days & as the skin continues to renew, the color will resurface again (don’t apply any makeup on the brows during these days, only the ointment provided).
  • You will lose approximately 30% of the color as the skin continues to heal (final results will appear after 4 weeks of initial procedure).
  • Please be aware, failure to follow post procedure instructions may cause loss of pigment, discoloration or infection (contact your doctor immediately if infection occurs).

Healing Process Cycle

For more details, please review PMU Contraindications & Precautions questions on the FAQ’s page.

Pre-Procedure Instructions

  • Contact lens users MUST bring their glasses to their appointment as they will need to be removed prior to the eyeliner PMU  & can not be worn again for 48 hours post procedure.
  • If you have had or will be having, ANY kind of Eye Surgery, we require a Doctor’s note saying you are approved for the procedure.
  • You may NOT use Latisse or any other lash growth enhancement product for 1 month prior & 1 month after PMU procedure (must wait 1 month after touchup appointment as well)
  • You may NOT apply eyelash extensions for 6-8 weeks after procedure (must wait 6-8 weeks after touchup appointment).
  • ANY eyelash curling should be done no sooner than 48 hours before the procedure or 2 weeks after the procedure.
  • You may NOT use bleaching/lightning products for dark circles around the eyes for 2 weeks prior to the procedure.
  • LIMIT drinking any coffee, energy drink or any other caffeinated/sugary beverages that could cause you to be jittery the day of your procedure (at least 2-3 Hours prior to your appointment).

Post-Procedure Instructions 

*Please follow these instructions for 1 week after the procedure to improve & prolong the results of your Eyeliner PMU.

  • Expect light to moderate swelling and/or redness in and around the treated area. To reduce swelling a cool pack may be applied to the area and make sure to place soft tissue paper between the pack and your eyes to avoid infection.
  • Aftercare: apply healing balm provided 3x/day for 1 week, but make sure to avoid getting it in the eyes. Should that accidentally happen, just flush eye with saline/water to relieve any burning sensation. Pat dry and re-apply the ointment (do not over apply ointment)
  • Avoid make-up in/around the treated area for 1 week (ie: NO mascara/eyeshadow/eyeliner)
  • No contacts for 48 Hours after procedure.
  • Avoid excessive sweating during the healing process. Anything that creates heat in/around the treated area could compromise pigment retention (No hot yoga, tanning beds, saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools or hot showers/baths) Eyes shouldn’t be immersed in water.
  • When showering, don’t subject affected area directly to the pressure of the shower head during the healing process.
  • Do not rub area vigorously when washing your face during the healing process. Be sure to always pat lightly when drying.
  • Do not sleep on your belly during the healing process.
  • If any itching occurs, just place a very tiny amount of aftercare to a Q-tip & apply to irritated area only (do not over apply ointment)
  • Do not pick at the forming scabs. If some should fall loosely between the lashes (and are not connected to the eye-line) you may gently remove them from your lashes with a wet Q-tip. If any itching occurs, just apply a very tiny amount of aftercare & apply to irritated area (do not over apply ointment)
  • After about 1-2 weeks, your eyeliner will look like it disappeared, don’t panic, this is part of the skin’s healing process. Hang in there, wait a couple days & as the skin continues to renew, the color will resurface again.
  • You will lose approximately 30% of the color as the skin continues to heal (final results will appear after 4 weeks of initial procedure).
  • Please be aware, failure to follow post procedure instructions may cause loss of pigment, discoloration or infection (contact your doctor immediately if infection occurs).

For more details, please review PMU Contraindications & Precautions questions on the FAQ’s page.

Pre-Procedure Instructions

  • NO breakout sores within 2 weeks of lip procedure (must wait to have cleared before procedure)
  • ANY history of cold sores, fever blisters or herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician to obtain the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks. We require you to take Valtrex (1000mg per day for 6 days) 1 pill prior to your procedure, 1 pill on the day of procedure and 1 pill  the day after procedure. Repeat the same process for second pass (6-8 wks after 1st procedure is completed).
  • It is very important that you keep your lips continuously moisturized for 1-2 weeks prior to procedure (this will help with color retention during & after your appointment) Dry lips will yield less than desirable results.
  • LIMIT drinking any coffee, energy drink or any other caffeinated/sugary beverages that could cause you to be jittery the day of your procedure (at least 2-3 Hours prior to your appointment).

Post-Procedure Instructions

*Please follow these instructions for 1 week after the procedure to improve and prolong the results of your Lip PMU.

  • Expect slight swelling, thickness and/or redness for 1-2 days following the procedure.
  • You may apply a cool pack at home on the first day of the procedure but make sure to place a soft tissue between your lips and the cold pack (to avoid infection).
  • Aftercare: apply healing balm provided 3-5x/day for 1 week. It is extremely important to keep the lips moist during the healing period. After 1 week, make sure to apply SPF 15+ when you are going to be exposed to the sun, as it will fade the lip color quickly if not protected prior to exposure.
  • Do not apply any makeup on lips during the healing process. Only use the provided ointment.
  • Do not rub area vigorously when washing your face. Always pat dry during the healing process.
  • No sleeping on your belly during the healing process.
  • Try to avoid salty foods & drink liquids through a straw during the healing process.
  • After the procedure, the lips will appear to have too much color. After 3-5 days, the epidermis sloughs off. It will appear that you have lost all your color; however, when your lips have healed completely, the dermal layer will gradually become darker. You will lose approximately 60-70% of the color as the skin continues to heal revealing a beautiful shade (final results will appear 2 months after 2nd procedure).
  • Please be aware, failure to follow post procedure instructions may cause loss of pigment, discoloration or infection (contact your doctor immediately if infection occurs).

For more details, please review PMU Contraindications & Precautions questions on the FAQ’s page.

Dermal Needling (Microneedling)

Microneedling is an innovative way to give a fresh look to your skin by encouraging the generation of new cells and fibers. This results in a more elastic epidermis, diminished scar tissue, and a more uniform complexion. The treatment creates a pattern of micro channels in the treatment area, significantly increasing the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Also, these induced micro fissures greatly enhance the skin’s ability to absorb topical formulations such as anti-ageing serums, and skin lighteners that are applied during and immediately after the procedure. Think of this as a skin shut-down then re-boot.

Your skin is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected then covered with a topical anesthetic and activated for up to 30 min. prior to the procedure. Once you are fully numb in the treatment area, you will hear the oscillation of the needling but feel none of the puncturing. Once the needling has adequately covered the desired area of the face and/or body, we focus on soothing, re-mineralizing and rehydrating the skin. We then discuss aftercare with you before you leave. Microneedling at BAHIA is generally a comfortable procedure, we make sure of it!

Microneedling is effective only if we reach a certain depth in the skin; bleeding is a good indication that we are working deep enough to yield optimal results. Social media has certainly taken notice of that and decided to cleverly coin it as the “vampire facial”. All in all, it’s not as scary as it sounds, however the desired results are just as intense.

You can expect to look quite red immediately after the microneedling; and you may continue to feel a little tight for up to a few days post procedure. We have ways we like to encourage you to adopt that would speed up the healing and promote even better results. Don’t hesitate to ask us.

Deeper is not better. There is a perfect depth in the skin where organized destruction is just enough to promote cellular reconstruction rather than tissue deconstruction. This is often achieved gradually with microneedling, and that is why a series of treatments is ideal. The medical profession has determined that too shallow is not effective, and too deep could in fact be damaging.

Yes, if you schedule the needling to be completed 2-3 weeks prior to your special day, you will look and feel great. At that time, collagen and elastin fibers are at their maximum reconstruction and regeneration, your skin will be glowing.

We like to determine this case by case. We want to see the current state of your skin, we want to know the strength of the peels you’re using, and we also need to know how long you’ve been on them. With light shed on all the above, we can devise a treatment protocol that works with your skin, and not against it.

We prefer that you skip rigorous activity the day after your procedure. Needling causes the skin to be vulnerable to normal day-to-day stressors and it takes up to a few days for the outer layers to heal, so we like you to stay away from anything that could cause more redness and heat in the area.

Yes; just avoid using hot water on the treated area and try to keep it away from the direct line of the shower head. When done, gently pat dry the treated area and follow your aftercare at-home regimen.

Microneedling is excellent for scar tissue. It acts like a ‘reboot” to your skin, giving it a second chance to do what it does best. There are scars that still harbor live tissue, and those experience visible results when microneedled. Other scars are too dormant to revive even with dermal needling, those are best left alone.

Yes, we have seen great results with this type of scarring depending on the age of scars and the quality of the surrounding tissue.

It takes about 3-4 weeks for the treated skin to completely heal from the needling. The collagen and elastin fiber, however, continue to reconstruct and repair for up to 6 months post treatment. This is why we recommend a series of treatments spaced 4 weeks apart to keep the momentum of rejuvenation and cell reconstruction active and alive.

Microneedling alone is not enough, but when coupled with brightening products in clinic and at home, the results are maximized. The needling creates cellular regeneration and higher product penetration that you could not achieve from a skin care regimen alone. Over time, you will see your skin become more even-toned and it’s texture smoothed.

Absolutely. The skin is a system of cells that could lose efficient communication over time. Needling is akin to rebooting your electronics when they start to “act up”. It creates a sort of “shut down” so the tissue can repair itself and begin to better communicate as it reemerges.

No. Because needling is uncomfortable, we apply a topical anesthetic prior to the treatment and we can not be sure that it would be safe during pregnancy or lactation.

Incidentally, we have found needling to improve mild rosacea. This may be due to its ability to normalize polarized skin conditions through improved cellular communication and efficacy. The added bonus of product penetration through needling increases the bioavailability of skin soothing ingredients and immune strengthening formulations.

Radio Frequency Treatment (Pellevé)

RF treatments or Pellevé utilizes Radio Frequency to heat the dermis and stimulate collagen and elastin fiber reconstruction. It is non-surgical, non-invasive, and has no down time. In fact, our clients report an immediate “post treatment glow” in their skin that lasts for days. This makes it a great treatment to schedule within a few days of an important social event.

In most cases, yes. Tissue thinning can happen over time and loss of tenacity and elasticity in the skin could further exacerbate the aging process. When the skin is too thin, Pellevé helps to stimulate tissue reconstruction and after a series of treatments, this can give plastic surgeons better live tissue to work with during surgery.

The medical research has shown that Pellevé should be done in a series for optimum and sustainable results. The ideal is one treatment per decade of life. Once the series is completed, maintenance is one stand-alone treatment every 6-12 months.

Yes! Pellevé is perfect as a preventive treatment against rapid tissue degeneration around the eye and/or mouth area. Ask us for our eye treatments with Pellevé, they are quick and very relaxing.

Not necessarily. Adult men and women can utilize this treatment as an investment in the future of their skin at any stage of their aging process.

No. Pellevé utilizes Radio Frequencies that could be harmful during pregnancy. Lactating mothers, however, can safely have Pellevé treatments.

HydraFacial Treatment

The HydraFacial treatment is a non-invasive treatment that provides instant results for all skin types with no downtime. The HydraFacial is a (30 min) treatment that removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities while simultaneously delivering the skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing serums. The treatment is soothing, refreshing, non-irritating and immediately effective.

The HydraFacial treatment is designed for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin easily tolerates the HydraFacial treatment. Your physician or skincare professional may choose specific treatment serums and/or customize the treatment for your unique skin conditions and needs.

The spiral design of HydroPeel® Tips, used in conjunction with the HydraFacial proprietary vacuum technology and serums, creates a vortex effect to easily dislodge and remove impurities while simultaneously delivering hydrating skin solutions.

The HydraFacial can be customized with a booster that address your specific skin concern such as: fine lines & wrinkles, dark/sun spots, skin tone, texture and elasticity. We also offer Medical Boosters* that can improve skin tone, relieve redness, improve hydration & reduce wrinkles.

(*at the discretion of the specialist)

Lymphatic therapy is a great way to begin the detoxification process & remove toxic buildup to reveal healthy looking skin:

  • Helps detoxify the skin
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Removes unwanted buildup
  • Optimizes skin health

We use two types of LED light therapy during the Deluxe & Platinum HydraFacials:

  • Red LED light decreases signs of aging, improves skin texture & tone and calms redness
  • Blue LED light targets p. acne bacteria and improve the appearance of oily & congested skin
  • The two lights also aid in the absorption of the booster used

HydraFacial is a fast, efficient treatment that takes as little as 30 minutes.

You may put on makeup and return to your normal activities right after the treatment since there is no downtime.

Many clients report seeing visible skin refinement and an even, radiant skin tone after just one treatment. The smooth results and hydration may last 5 to 7 days or even longer.

One treatment per 4-6 months is recommended for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, oily and congested skin. Continued HydraFacial treatments are highly recommended to maintain skin health results.

Hydration is the foundation of healthy, radiant skin. Irritation of the skin has been proven to increase signs of aging. HydraFacial is a hydrating and non-irritating treatment.